
Linkshare - overview

Fast and Accurate Payments

LinkShare is committed to paying publishers fast and accurately. Currently four publisher payments are issued each month. With consolidated payments, LinkShare includes all advertiser payments received and cleared as of the day the payment file is authorized. This includes advertiser payments received via wire transfer as of the prior business day.
Our standard payment terms require LinkShare's advertisers to pay by the end of the calendar month once the invoice is posted. For example, commissions earned during the month of October (which are invoiced in early November) would be paid by most of our advertisers by November 30th and processed and paid, in turn, by LinkShare as part of the first December payment batch.
Payment Reports
LinkShare payment reports are designed to help LinkShare publishers quickly understand the details about their commissions.
  • Publisher Payment Summary Report: This provides the detail for each consolidated payment issued by LinkShare. By drilling down into each month and specific payment batch, you can see which advertisers, invoice periods and dollar amounts are included in each payment. You can select the check number to see the advertiser detail behind each payment.
  • Advertiser Payment History Report: This report reflects if and when LinkShare has received payment from an advertiser for a specific invoice period, beginning with the March 2005 invoice period. "Received" means the advertiser’s payment was received and the funds have cleared. LinkShare waits until the funds clear so we can be assured of distributing funds to Publishers.
Minimum Payment Thresholds
With the introduction of consolidated payments, publishers receive one check or direct deposit from LinkShare for each payment batch, with a $1 dollar payment threshold. However, advertisers have the option of creating a customized payment threshold for each of their channels.
Direct Deposit
Want to get your commission payments even faster? LinkShare offers publishers the convenience of Direct Deposit*, so you have no checks to cash and no waiting on the mail.
* Note: Only publishers in the following countries can sign up for Direct Deposit: Australia, Austria, Belgium, Canada, France, Germany, Ireland, Mexico, Netherlands, New Zealand, Spain, Switzerland, the UK and the US.
There is no fee to join the LinkShare Affiliate Marketing Network.

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