
Stupid law in the world


Over the years I've heard some strange laws from around the world and usually took some of them with as an urban myth. Some of these so called "laws" are so extreme that you have to assume they are fake, or so old that they make little sense in the 21st century.
This afternoon whilst going to the shop for milk, I was lucky enough to witness a strange law (almost) in effect. I;m a resident of England, and we have out fair share of strange laws. This one in particular seems to be common knowledge, except to the police officer in question.
I overheard a pregnant woman asking a police officer for his helmet because she needed a pee.I laughed, a lot, especially when he flipped out and thought she was trying to make fun of him. The law in question states that "a pregnant woman can legally relieve herself anywhere she wants – even, if she so requests, in a policeman’s helmet"
This got me thinking of some of the other laws that are just plain strange! This is 101 of those laws, and if you know of any more (please don't make them up) leave them in the comments at the bottom.

United Kingdom

I'm sure there's a law against that officer...
I'm sure there's a law against that officer...

United Kingdom

- In London, it is illegal for a City cab to carry rabid dogs or corpses.
- In England, it is illegal to die in the Houses of Parliament.
- It England, it is an act of treason to place a postage stamp bearing the Queen upside down.
- Under the UK’s Tax Avoidance Schemes Regulations 2006, it is illegal not to tell the taxman anything you don’t want him to know, yet you don’t have to tell him anything you don’t mind him knowing.
- Navy ships that enter London Port must provide a barrel of rum to the Constable of the Tower of London.
- A pregnant woman can legally relieve herself anywhere she wants, even, even in a policeman’s helmet.
- In Lancashire, no person is permitted after being asked to stop by a constable on the beach front to incite a dog to bark.
- All males over the age of 14 must carry out two hours a day of longbow practice.
-  Freemen are allowed to take a flock of sheep across London Bridge without being charged the toll, they are also allowed to drive geese down Cheapside.
- In the UK, a man who needs to relieve himself in public can do so only if he aims for his rear wheel of his own car and keeps his right hand on the vehicle.
- In York, it is legal to kill a Scotsman within the ancient city boundary, but only if he is carrying a bow and arrow.
- In London, it is illegal to flag down a taxi if you have the plague.
- If a dead whale is found on the British coast, the head is legally the property of the King, and the tail  belongs to the Queen - to use the bones for corsets.
- In England, in 1865, any self propelled carriage on a British highway had to have a crew of three men. One had to walk in front of the carriage with a red flag to warn horse drawn vehicles of it's approach.
- In London, city cabs by law must carry a bale of hay at all times.
- In Britain, in 1888, if your push bike was in motion, you legally had to constantly ring a bell.
- In Birmingham, after sundown it is against the law for a man and a woman to partake in sexual intercourse on church steps.
- In London, it is illegal to  throw a stick for your dog, use an offensive powder like pepper on your jacket potato or use a camera tripod in any park.
- In London, domestic violence is legal as long as it's before 9pm and does not disturb your neighbours.
- In London, in the 19th Century, it was illegal to impersonate a Chelsea pensioner. The punishment was death. 
- In England, in 1837, if a man kissed a woman against her will, she could legally bit off his nose.
- In Chester, the Welsh are banned before sun up and after sun set.

United States of America

A good solution to excessive noise, but sadly not a law.
A good solution to excessive noise, but sadly not a law.

United States of America

- In Alexandria, Minneapolis, it is illegal for a man to have sexual intercourse with a woman with sardines on his breath.
- In California, in 1986, Judge Samuel King became so annoyed with jurors who were absent from a case due to massive rain fall, that he issued a decree which stated "I hereby order that it cease raining by Tuesday." It stopped raining on Tuesday and California suffered a 5 year drought. 5 year latter in 1991, the very same judge then decreed "Rain shall fall in California beginning February 27th." On that same day, California suffered the heaviest rainfall in over ten years.
- In Arizona, hunting camels is against the law.
- In Indiana in the 50's, they made anything based on Robin Hood Illegal because they thought he was a communist.
- In Minnesota, hanging male and female under garments on the same washing line.
- North Carolina has made it illegal to swear in front of dead people.
- In Iowa, horses are breaking the law if they eat a fire hydrant.
- Judge J.H. Logan from California, made the Loganberry by crossing a cultivated raspberry with a wild blackberry.
- In South Bend, Indiana, a monkey was found guilty of smoking which was against the law at the time.
- In San Diego, public schools have banned hypnotism.
- In Florida having sexual intercourse with a porcupine is illegal.
- In Kingsville, Texas, it is illegal for pigs to have sexual intercourse on airport property.
- In Willowdale, Oregon, while engaging in sexual intercourse with a woman, it is illegal for a man to curse.
- In Hastings, Nebraska, hotels must legally provide you with night clothes.
- In Ames, Iowa, men lying in bed with their wives must not have more than 3 swigs of beer.
- In Oblong, Illinois, on your wedding day it is illegal to make love whilst hunting or fishing.
- In Tremonton, Utah,a woman is not legally allowed to have sexual intercourse with a man in an ambulance.
- In Conorsville, Wisconsin, during sexual intercourse, it is against the law for a man to fire his gun whilst the woman in having an orgasm.
- In Chico, California, you'll receive a $500 fine for letting off a nuclear bomb in the city limits.
- In Massachusetts, your breaking the law if you consume more than 3 sandwiches at a wake.
- In Louisiana, using dentures to bite someone moves it up to aggravated assault.
- In Kentucky, carry ice cream cones in your pocket is illegal.
- In International Falls, Minnesota, you can be fined if you let your dog chase a cat up a telegraph pole.
- In Iowa, after 5 mins of kissing your breaking the law.
- In Illinois, giving a lighted cigar to a pet is illegal.
- In the USA 24 states say that if your husband is impotent its grounds for a divorce.
- In Miami, Florida, imitating animals is illegal.
- In Oxford, Ohio,a woman undressing in front of a picture of a man is breaking the law.
- In Baltimore, Maryland, taking a lion to the cinema is illegal. .
- In Washington, pretending to have wealthy parents is illegal.
- In Texas, if you are going to commit a crime, you legally have to give 24 hours notice to the police.
- In Oklahoma, you could face prison if you make faces at a dog
- In Maryland, Randy Newman's song 'Short people' is still banned on the radio.
- In St. Louis, Missouri, if a woman is in her night clothes, it is illegal for a fireman to rescue her.
- In Providence, Rhode Island, selling tooth paste and a tooth brush to the same customer on a Sunday is illegal.
- In Logan County, Colorado, kissing a woman while she sleeps is illegal.
- In Alexandria, Minnesota, having garlic or onions on your breath means you legally can't have sex with your wife. 
- In Eureka, Nevada, if you have a moustach it's against the law for you to kiss a woman.
- In Vermont, for a woman to wear false teeth she first must get written permission from her husband.
- In Boulder, Colorado, your breaking the law if you own a pet.
- In Kentucky, your breaking the law if you carry a concealed weapon over 6ft in length.
- In Florida, on Sunday's, unmarried woman face jail if the go parachuting.
- In Miami, Florida, skateboarding is against the law inside a police station.
- In Ohio, getting a fish drunk is against state law.
- In Alabama, your breaking the law if you are in control of a motor vehicle if wearing a blindfold.

The Rest of the World


The Rest of the World

- In Victoria, Australia, you need a licensed electrician to change a light bulb.
- In Victoria Australia after mid day on Sunday, it's illegal to wear pink hot pants.
- In France, it's illegal to name a pig Napoleon.
- In Indonesia, the punishment for masturbation is death by decapitation.
- In San Salvador, drunk drivers can be sentenced to death by firing squad.
- In Bahrain, male doctors only legally examine a woman's genitals through a mirror.
- In Afghanistan the Taliban banned women from wearing white socks, for fear men might find them attractive.
- In Lebanon men are allowed to engage in sexual intercourse with female animals. If caught with a male animal the punishment is death.
- In 1837, Egypt banned male belly dancing as it caused mass rioting.
- During World War I if you were found to be homosexual you were executed.
- Hundreds of years ago you were instantly executed if you tried to leave Japan.
- In Wetaskiwin, Alberta, Canada, in 1917, tying a male horse next to a female horse was illegal.
- In Singapore chewing gum is illegal.
- In Paraguay you can legally duel, as long as both participating players are blood donors.
- In Milan, Italy, unless going to a hospital or funeral, you have to smile or face a fine.
- In Switzerland you legally have to live within 200m of a nuclear bomb shelter.
- In Burma it is against the law to access the Internet. Anyone doing so faces prison.
- In Bangladesh you face prison time for cheating at school.
- Until 1984 in Belgium, you had to choose your child's name off a list of 1500.
- In 1935 Romania, for fear of scaring young children, Mickey Mouse was banned.
- Due to lack of pants, Donald Duck cartoons were banned in Finland.
- The only country in the world to never. have censorship for adult films is Belgium.
- In 1979 Iraq banned karate movies. .
- It was once illegal to own a pet dog in Iceland.
- In 1471 Switzerland, the Cockerel was found guilty of "In defiance of natural law" by laying an egg. It was executed.
- In Stelvio, Italy, 1519, a gang of moles that had damaged crops was given an arrest warrant. They never showed up for court.
- In Seville, Spain, in 1983, a German Sheppard was arrested for stealing woman's handbags.
- In Turkey, it was illegal to drink coffee during the 16th and 17th century. It was punishable by death.
-2000 years ago in Rome, Julius Caesar banned chariots from Rome city centre to ease congestion.
- In Switzerland, it use to be illegal to slam a car door.
-In Denmark, you legally have to check under your car for children asleep before you start it.
-In Denmark it is not against the law to escape from prison.
-In Bermuda, private cars were illegal until 1948
-In the days of Sparta, if you were male you legally had to consume 2 pounds of meat a day.
I hope you laughed at these as much as I did, and remember, if you know of any more funny or strange laws, leave them in the comments below.

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